The caption read, “The Lady in the picture is Mrs Sudheeksha Kiran Suvarna with her 1-year-old son, volunteering in Swachh Mangalore Abhiyan conducted by Sri Ramakrishna Mission Mangalore. While most of us would spend our Sundays laying in our comfortable beds. It’s people like her work to keep the dream of a clean and green India alive. A true to inspiration to all. THANK YOU Madam. PLZ share and inspire others.”

The young mother was seen cleaning the streets while still holding on to her son. The cleanliness drive was held by Ramakrishna Mission in Mangalore.

Kartnataka’s former chief minister Sadanand Godha shared her picture on his Twitter account. Godha has been a minister in Modi’s cabinet earlier.

He shared two pictures of her and wrote that women like her were an example to society and she was the real Miss India to him.
And we couldn't agree more!
What do you think?

12/28/2017 | |